Friday, June 5, 2009

My 1st PSAL Football Game

...We lost the coin toss but deferred in the 1st half which raised my confidence. I wanted to play on kick return but I didnt want to get tired before I snapped the ball. My coach told me to run "121 waggle," which was a passing play, to open up the game. Many people ask me if I was ever intimidated by the linebackers, but I never let nobody intimidate me. I rolled out and thought about passing the ball then I saw the open field and I heard people telling me to go. So iI ran the ball for a 14 yard gain. I was so happy because I actually gained yards. We ended the drive with a turnover on 4th down. The quarter ended with a score of 7-0. I was so pissed at myself because we got into the redzone twice in the quarter but couldn't score. I told myself that, "I need to take the game into my hand and be a leader." At the half, the score was only 14-0. In the locker room, I told myself the same thing, "I need to take the game into my hands and be a leader and lead my team to win." I got the team hyped up and we went into the second half to take the win.

We kicked the ball to them in the 3rd quarter and we stopped their drive and made them punt the ball. We got the ball back and we tried going airbourne again with "121 waggle." I actually got the ball off at the right time, however, my reciever claimed that i over threw him by 5 yards. I told him 5 yards is his fault. We didnt argue over it because we got into the redzone on the same drive, only to fumble the ball at the 9-yard line. Stuyvesant started pouring on with touchdowns. Our 3rd string fullback began to cry because he thought the game was over. On defense, we could've picked the ball off(intercept the ball) 3 times, but we played safe and batted it down. I changed my cleats to my "addidas RB 619 Fly." Right after that, I threw for a 27 yard touchdown to John. I felt as if we had already won the game. When there was about 4 minutes left, I tod my self that we can't come back froma 41-6 defecit, but we could score and show everybody were out but not down. I had a 54 yard run from a quarterback sneak. With about 2 minutes to go, I scored the 2nd touchdown by running the ball into the endzone. I knew that I put the game into my hand an helped us score made me feel that without my leadership, this would've never happened. This game is still remembered by me today and is considered the best game I ever played.

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